Themes 3.x

This is a theme engine for Craft CMS 3, it allows you to create themes that are reusable and extendable. Themes are regular plugins, as such they can have their own settings, migrations etc, but now have a set of templates and assets that will inherit themselves, allowing for faster front-end development.

Craft backend is amazing but if you're not a developer making a frontend can be a bit daunting and if you're making a lot of sites can become a repeating exercise, this plugin (especially in pro version) should alleviate this by doing a lot of the work for you.

Version 4 has brought the pro version which is a big change from the v2 version. You can always use the v4 lite version which is very similar to v2 (make sure you check the breaking changes in the developers readme with a few other changes.

The pro version aims at taking control over how pages are displayed using an interface in the backend and a theme engine that is reusable, adaptable and easy to use.
Themes are regular Craft plugins, as such they can be shared on the store, installed from packagist or created by yourself. They can have settings and migrations and most importantly extend each other.

This plugin is also available for Craft 4, documentation here.


This plugin is unit tested with mysql 5.7, postgresql 12.8, Craft 3.7 and 4.0 and php 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0.


  • Themes preferences not related to project config
  • Restricted version of blocks page for envs where admin changes are disabled
  • Improve displayer cache by not saving the ones that didn't change
  • Add a Theme tab to the debug bar
  • Add a project config tracked data version to warn when layouts need rebuilt
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