

Most of the examples below can be found on a plugin example on github.

Define a new trigger

Add a new trigger class, for example :


use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\Triggers;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\models\Trigger;
use craft\base\Element;
use craft\elements\Asset;
use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

class AssetBeforeDeleted extends Trigger
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getType(): string
        return \Craft::t('triggers', 'Before an asset is deleted');

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getHandle(): string
        return 'asset-before-deleted';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function initialize()
        $_this = $this;
        Event::on(Asset::class, Element::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE, function (ModelEvent $e) use ($_this) {
            Triggers::$plugin->triggers->onTriggerTriggered($_this, [
                'asset' => $e->sender

You can define any number of attributes for your trigger and use them and validate them normally, they will automatically be added to project config and saved in database. You must not define the following attributes : id, uid, handle, type, name, active, triggered, dateCreated, dateUpdated, conditions, actions, config, data, instructions, tip.

Then register it :

use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\services\TriggersService;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\events\RegisterTriggersEvent;

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_REGISTER_TRIGGERS, function (RegisterTriggersEvent $e) {
    $e->add(new AssetBeforeDeleted);

You can define some configuration which will show on the add trigger form by defining those 2 methods on your trigger :

public function hasConfig(): bool
    return true;

 * @inheritDoc
public function configTemplate(): ?string
    return 'my-template';

You can show some instructions and/or tips to the user which would show on the add trigger form:

 * @inheritDoc
public function getInstructions(): string
    return 'These are instructions';

 * @inheritDoc
public function getTip(): string
    return 'This is a tip';

Modify triggers worflow

Trigger workflow can be changed at several times during its execution through events :

use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\services\TriggersService;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\events\RegisterTriggersEvent;

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_BEFORE_CHECKING_CONDITIONS, function (TriggerTriggeredEvent $e) {
    $e->handled = true; //This stops the execution entirely
    $e->triggerData['my-variable'] = 'my-value';

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_AFTER_CHECKING_CONDITIONS, function (TriggerTriggeredEvent $e) {
    //$e->result contains the result of conditions (true or false)
    $e->triggerData['my-variable'] = 'my-value';

//Those won't be executed if the result of conditions is false :

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLYING_ACTIONS, function (TriggerTriggeredEvent $e) {
    $e->handled = true; //This stops the execution entirely
    $e->triggerData['my-variable'] = 'my-value';

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_AFTER_APPLYING_ACTIONS, function (TriggerTriggeredEvent $e) {


Define new conditions

Add a new condition class, for example :


use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\interfaces\TriggerInterface;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\models\Condition;

class MyCondition extends Condition
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getName(): string
        return 'My Condition';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getDescription(): string
        return 'this is a new condition'

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getHandle(): string
        return 'my-condition';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function hasConfig(): bool
        return true;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function configTemplate(): string
        return 'my-template';

     * Return null for a global condition
    protected function defineForTriggers(): ?array
        return ['asset-saved', 'asset-deleted'];

     * @inheritDoc
    public function check(TriggerInterface $trigger, array $data): bool
        if ($data['my-condition-is-met']) {
            return true;
        return false;

You can define any number of attributes for your condition and use them and validate them normally, they will automatically be added to project config and saved in database. You must not define the following attributes : id, uid, name, handle, order, operator, active, group_id, group, trigger_id, trigger, dateCreated, dateUpdated, config, data, description.

Then register it :

use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\services\TriggersService;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\events\RegisterTriggersEvent;

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_REGISTER_CONDITIONS, function (RegisterConditionsEvent $e) {
    $e->add(new MyCondition);

Modify which triggers a condition applies to

Triggers for which conditions apply are hard coded on the trigger class itself but can be modified through an event :

use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\events\DefineConditionTriggers;

Event::on(Mycondition::class, Mycondition::EVENT_DEFINE_FOR_TRIGGERS, function (DefineConditionTriggers $e) {
    $e->triggers[] = 'trigger-handle';


An action can do anything you want, it won't be executed if the conditions added to a trigger aren't met.

Define a new action

Create a new action class :


use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\models\Action;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\interfaces\TriggerInterface;

class MyAction extends Action
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getName(): string
        return 'My Action';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getHandle(): string
        return 'my-action';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getDescription(): string
        return 'This is an action that does nothing';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function hasConfig(): bool
        return true;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function configTemplate(): ?string
        return 'my-template';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function apply(TriggerInterface $trigger, array $data)
        //Whatever you need to do here

You can define any number of attributes for your action and use them and validate them normally, they will automatically be added to project config and saved in database. You must not define the following attributes : id, uid, name, handle, order, active, trigger_id, trigger, dateCreated, dateUpdated, config, data, description.

Then register it :

use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\services\TriggersService;
use Ryssbowh\CraftTriggers\events\RegisterActionsEvent;

Event::on(TriggersService::class, TriggersService::EVENT_REGISTER_ACTIONS, function (RegisterActionsEvent $e) {
    $e->add(new MyAction);
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